No matter if you read one article or a hundred articles to choose a perfect side hustle, I bet you will find about blogging everywhere.
But Why? It has that much potential and a hot favorite for millions of people around the world. You can make 10 times more than your regular job salary if your blog goes well.
One flexible thing with blogging is you can choose your own topic and you can write on your own. Still, you can make lots of money from it.
Even blogging demands lots of hard work, you don’t feel that you are hustling for money while blogging. That’s why everyone going with this idea.
Blogging also doesn’t need big investments. You can start anytime at below $100. Domain and Hosting service are the two major requirements initially you need to start a blog.
I suggest checking Wix hosting services. Their plans start at just $2.95/mo for hosting and they also provide a free .COM domain if you purchase a 12 months hosting plan. (Get .COM domain + 12 Months hosting from Six for below $50).